Lower body lift


General anesthesia

Duration of surgery

5–6 hours

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Lower body lift is a surgical procedure aimed to restore the natural beauty of the lower body. In addition to tummy tuck, it includes aesthetic shaping of the buttocks, hips and lower back. During the procedure, excess and sagging skin is removed, the underlying muscles and fascia are tightened and liposuction is performed. A circular incision is made at the bikini line to hide the surgical scar.

Body lift is suitable for patients who want to restore the natural and beautiful proportions of the lower body after major weight loss (e.g. after weight loss surgery). The procedure is performed on both female and male patients.

The incision is made in a circular shape at the height of the bikini line, which makes it possible to tighten the abdomen, groin, waist and buttocks areas so that the surgical scar remains hidden under the underwear.

Aims of the surgery

Remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, lower back and hips.

Lift and tighten the skin and underlying tissues to restore the body’s aesthetic shape and contours.

Increase self-confidence and improve quality of life after weight loss or body shape changes.

Recovery from surgery

During the recovery period, it is important to rest and follow the aftercare instructions provided by the surgeon.

Swelling and hematomas are common after surgery and will disappear over time.

Recovery includes regular follow-ups to assess recovery and ensure a smooth recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pregnancy significantly changes and stretches the tissues of the abdominal area, and the previously surgically corrected body shape may not return to its former shape after pregnancy. Therefore, we recommend having a lower body lift when no more pregnancies are planned.

Aging can reduce skin tone, and weight fluctuations change body proportions. Therefore, we recommend maintaining a stable body weight and keeping a healthy lifestyle to reduce the effects of aging.

Both numbness and hypersensitivity of the skin may occur in the months following surgery. The sensitivity of the skin usually returns to normal within one year's time. Sometimes the changes can last longer and in this case we recommend consulting our surgeon.