Gallbladder removal


General anesthesia

The duration of the operation

30-60 minutes

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Gallbladder removal, or laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Cholelithiasis is a disease characterized by the formation of gallstones in the gallbladder or bile ducts. As a result of a change in the composition of bile or a disorder of bile drainage, substances dissolved in bile such as cholesterol and bilirubin are deposited in the gallbladder, forming stones. Gallstones can cause pain and lead to various medical conditions.

Risk factors for the formation of gallstones are:

  • female gender,
  • overweight and rapid weight loss,
  • pregnancy,
  • high fat diet,
  • low fluid intake.

Gallstones can cause pain in the upper abdomen (cholecystitis), acute or chronic inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), acute inflammation of the bile ducts (cholangitis) or inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

Typical complaints of gallstones are sharp pain or heaviness in the right upper abdomen after eating, nausea or vomiting. Complaints usually occur after eating fatty foods.

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Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

If gallstones cause discomfort, it is recommended to remove the gall bladder together with the stones. The operation is always performed under general anesthesia. Through four small incisions, a video camera and instruments are introduced into the abdominal cavity. The gall bladder with the stones in it is released and taken out of the abdominal cavity. Wounds are closed with intradermal self-dissolving sutures. Recovery from laparoscopic surgery is quick, and patients can go home on the evening of the day of surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

If the gallbladder is left, stones and complaints will reappear.

Stones that have already formed cannot be dissolved with drugs, and the treatment manuals do not recommend it.

The gallbladder collects bile and releases it into the duodenum during eating. Bile dissolves fat droplets and promotes their digestion. Bile is produced in the liver, the gallbladder does not produce it.

The gallbladder is important, but not an essential organ for life. After surgery, bile flows directly from the liver into the intestines. In order to avoid indigestion, it is recommended to eat food with a low fat content and high fiber content in the first weeks after the cut.

70-80% of gallstones are asymptomatic, i.e. they do not cause complaints and do not require surgical intervention. For incidentally discovered stones, the probability of developing symptoms is 1-2% per year.