Preparing for surgery

Preparing for surgery is an important part of your treatment. Following the pre-operative instructions allows for faster recovery from the operation and reduces the risk of complications. Here are our general guidelines and if necessary, the surgeon will give you additional recommendations.

  1. There should be no acute (respiratory or other) viral disease, active inflammations, acute allergic reaction, fever, etc. when coming to the operation. Please inform the surgeon about your concomitant diseases and other health related information during the pre-operative consultation. Please inform the clinic immediately of any new health concerns that arise while waiting for the surgery.
  2. For safe general anesthesia, the stomach needs to be empty. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat solid foods or drink opaque liquids (e.g. milk, juice) 6 hours before the operation. Clear liquids such as water, black coffee, tea or apple juice are allowed up to 2 hours before surgery.
  3. Please take your prescribed medication regularly until the day of surgery (unless the consulting doctor has not recommended otherwise). You can take your medication no later than 2 hours before surgery with a small sip of water.
  4. Provide a list of all prescription and over-the-counter medications, supplements, and vitamins you take and take your regular medication with you to the hospital.
  5. The use of blood thinners (including aspirin) must be stopped before surgery (usually 2-5 days depending on the medicine), as they increase the risk of bleeding. Oral medications may be replaced by injectables if necessary, your surgeon will provide the information.
  6. Smoking impairs wound healing and increases the risk of bleeding. We recommend that you stop smoking well before the operation. Do not smoke on the day of surgery.
  7. We recommend giving the blood tests 1-2 weeks before the operation, in order to evaluate them and, if necessary, plan additional examinations or treatment.
  8. If you have had unpleasant experiences with previous anesthesia (e.g. severe nausea and vomiting), please tell your surgeon and anesthesiologist before the operation.
  9. Driving a motor vehicle is not allowed for 24 hours after anesthesia. If necessary, ask a family member or a friend to drive you home or use taxi/public transport.
  10. Female patients of fertile age, please make sure that you are not pregnant on the day of surgery. If needed, we recommend taking a home pregnancy test before coming to the hospital.
  11. Please remove jewelry and all body piercings before surgery. We recommend leaving jewellery and valuables at home. If the jewellery cannot be removed, the operation will not be canceled, but be sure to inform your surgeon about this. Also remove removable dentures.
  12. Bring your personal hygiene products with you. We recommend bringing comfortable clothes for the ride home.
  13. We advise you to take a shower on the morning of surgery.
  14. Please do not use make-up, perfume or creams/lotions on the day of surgery.
  15. Long hair should be tied up for the surgery.
  1. Remove glasses and contact lenses before the surgery.
  2. If you use a CPAP mask for sleep apnea, bring it with you to the hospital.