Postoperative instructions

After surgery

After the operation under local anesthesia, you can leave the hospital immediately if you feel well. All patients receive home treatment and wound care instructions. Driving is allowed.

At home

Some exhaustion and pain after surgery is to be expected. We recommend moving around as much as possible and dealing with daily household chores. You can wash the wounds in the shower on the day after surgery. Many patients return to work in 1-2 days. We recommend waiting 2 weeks before sauna, bath and swimming.

You can start heavy physical work and muscle training in the surgical area when 3 weeks have passed since the surgery.

Wound plasters must be changed within the first three days after showering, after that no plasters are needed, and on the morning of the fourth day you can remove the plasters together with the wound tapes and leave the wounds open. The sutures are always inside the skin and dissolve on their own. More detailed recommendations for wound care can be found in the written instructions that were given to you at the hospital.

Moderate physical activity contributes to the recovery of the body and reduces the risk of complications.

NB! After removal of the gallbladder, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the nutritional recommendations provided by the hospital.

NB! After thyroid surgery, monitor the surgical wound and the neck area. If it swells and is hard to the touch, it may indicate bleeding from the surgical wound. In this case, you may need emergency help. Call an ambulance or have a family member take you to the nearest EMO. A bruise inside the wound can compress the trachea and cause suffocation.

If you have any questions or problems, be sure to contact us.