Upper eyelid plastic surgery


Local anesthesia / General anesthesia

Duration of surgery

0,5 – 1 hour

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Upper eyelid plastic surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at removing excess skin and fat tissue from the upper eyelids to restore a fresh and youthful appearance of the eyes. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity, which can lead to sagging skin accumulating on the upper eyelids, which may obscure the natural shape of the eyelids or restrict the field of vision.

Upper eyelid surgery is often performed to address the following problems:

Excessive and sagging skin on the upper eyelids, which may limit vision and the field of view, creating a tired look on the face

Fat deposits that cause puffy and heavy eyelids

During the procedure, an incision is made along the natural fold of the upper eyelid to minimize visible scarring. Through this incision, the surgeon removes the excess skin. The location of the incision makes scars practically invisible later. At Amsel Clinic, we offer upper eyelid correction with local anesthesia as well as general anesthesia.

Surgery Goals

Improves vision if sagging skin has restricted the field of vision

Refreshes the appearance of the eyes, giving a more youthful look

Boosts self-confidence by creating a livelier and more rested look of the face

Recovery and Results

After the surgery, mild swelling and bruising may occur, but these typically subside within a couple of weeks. A full recovery may take a few weeks, during which scars fade and become barely noticeable. The result is a fresher, more youthful facial expression and a wider field of vision.